Updation of NABH Accreditation status of Sharma Medicare Pvt. Ltd., NH-19/A, Greater NOIDA, UP from Non-NABH to NABH Accredited

Updation of NABH Accreditation status of Sharma Medicare Pvt. Ltd., NH-19/A, Greater NOIDA, UP from Non-NABH to NABH Accredited

Updation of NABH Accreditation status of Sharma Medicare Pvt. Ltd., NH-19/A, Greater NOIDA, UP from Non-NABH to NABH Accredited

C.G.H.S. (HQ), CGHS Bhawan
Sector – 13, R. K. Puram, New Delhi-66


Subject: – Updation of NABH Accreditation status of Sharma Medicare Pvt. Ltd., NH-19/A, L-Block, Delta-11, Greater NOIDA, UP from Non-NABH to NABH Accredited.

With reference on the above subject, approval is hereby granted to Sharma Medicare Pvt. Ltd.. NH- 19/A. L-Block, Delta-11, Greater NOIDA, UP, empanelled under CGHS Delhi/NC R, as a Non-NABH HOSPITAL to be upgraded as a NABH Accredited HOSPITAL w.e.f. 1st February, 2023.

Scope of Accreditation:

Clinical Services: Anaesthesiology including Critical Care, Dental, Emergency  Medicine. General Medicine, General Surgery including Laparoscopic Surgery. Gynaecology,  Neurosurgery.  Non Invasive Cardiology, Ophthalmology (OPD). Orthopaedics Including Joint Replacement  and Arthoscopic Procedures, Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Including High Risk Pregnancy) Otorhinolaryngology, Paediatrics including Neonatology, Respiratory Medicine, Urology; Diagnostic Services: 2D Echo, Audiometry, CT Scanning. Colour Doppler, ECG, 2EG, Pulmonary Function Test (PFT), Tread Mill Testing, Ultrasound. X-ray; Laboratory Services: Clinical Bio-Chemistry, Clinical Microbiology and Serology, Clinical Pathology, Haematology; Blood Transfusions Services: Dietetics, Physiotherapy, Psychology.

2. The other terms and conditions of empanelment shall remain unchanged.

(Dr. Manoj Jain)
Additional  Director, CGHS ( HQ)

Copy to:

  1. Medical Superintendent,  Sharma   Medicare      Ltd.,   NH-19/A,   L-Block.   Delta-11, Greater NOIDA, UP.
  2. All Ministries/Department Government of India.
  3. Director, CGHS Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
  4. DDG (HQ)/All Additional Directors/Joint Directors of CGHS cities outside Delhi.
  5. All Pay & Accounts Officers under CGHS.
  6. Additional Director (HQ)/Addl. Director SZ/CZ/EZ/N Z/MSD, New Delhi.
  7. JD (Gr.)/AD (R&H)/AD (Admin.), CGHS Delhi.

Source : Click to view/download PDF

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