Urgent review of cases of overstay while on deputation : Telecom Department’s O.M. dated 13.04.2023

Urgent review of cases of overstay while on deputation : Telecom Department’s O.M. dated 13.04.2023

Urgent review of cases of overstay while on deputation : Telecom Department’s O.M. dated 13.04.2023

No.391-24/2023-STG III
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of telecommunications
419, Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road
New Delhi-110001

Dated: 13 April, 2023


Subject — Urgent review of cases of overstay while on deputation — regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to DoP&T vide OM dated 23.03.2023 regarding overstay while on deputation (copy enclosed) by which DoP&T has reiterated the following instructions governing tenure of deputation issued vide OMs dated 29.11.2006 and 01.03.2011 for strict compliance:-

  1. The terms and conditions of deputation shall clearly lay down not only the period of deputation as per the Recruitment Rules for the post or as approved by the competent authority but also the date of relieving of the deputationist. No further orders for relieving the officer will be necessary;
  2. The deputationist officer, including those who are presently on deputation, would be deemed to have been relieved on the date of expiry of the deputation period unless the competent authority has with requisite approvals, extended the period of deputation, in writing, prior to the date of its expiry. It will be the responsibility of the immediate superior officer to ensure that the deputationist does not overstay. In the event of the officer overstaying for any reason whatsoever, he/she is liable to disciplinary action and other adverse Civil Service consequences which would include the period of unauthorized overstay not being counted as qualifying service for the purpose of pension and that any increment due during the period of unauthorized overstay being deferred with cumulative effect, till the date on which the officer rejoins his parent cadre.
  3. Written consent of the officer concerned shall be taken to the terms and conditions of deputation before the deputation orders are issued.

2. In view of the above, the officers must attach the written consent / undertaking to the terms and conditions of deputation as mentioned in DoPT’s OM No. 2/6/2016-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 17.02.2016, OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay-Il) dated 01.03.2011 and OM No. AB.14017/30/2006-Estt(RR) dated 29.11.2006 as amended from time to time while applying for the post on deputation basis along with their application or in case of extension of deputation period. A copy of format of consent/undertaking is also attached.

3. This may be brought to notice of all ITS officers and the officers responsible for forwarding the applications.

Signed by Bijender Singh
Date: 13-04-2023 10:45:20
Reason: Approved
(Bijender Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele: 011-2303 6226

1. DG(T)
4. All the ITS offices — through DoT Website.

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