Reservation in promotions – Procedure to be followed prior to effecting Reservation in the matter of Promotions : SC Railway order

Reservation in promotions – Procedure to be followed prior to effecting Reservation in the matter of Promotions : SC Railway order

Reservation in promotions – Procedure to be followed prior to effecting Reservation in the matter of Promotions : SC Railway order


DRM’s Office,
Personnel Branch,


Dt: 23.05.2023.

All concerned

Sub: Reservation in promotions – Procedure to be followed prior to effecting reservation in the matter of Promotions – reg.

Ref: PCPO/SC Letter No. P(R)/171/V dated 17.04.2023.


A copy of Railway Board clarification regarding Rly. Board’s letter No. 2018 — E(SCT) 1/25/9, dated 22.06.2022(S.C. No.89/2022) circulated vide PCPO/SC Letter No. P(R)/171/V dated 17.04.2023 is appended below for information.

Encl: PCPO/SC’s letter.

(Sk. Shahbaaz Hanoor), DPO
For Sr. Divl. Personnel Officer,



Headquarters Office,
Personnel Branch,


Dt, 17.04.2023.


Sub: Reservation in promotions – Procedure to be followed prior to effecting Reservation in the matter of Promotions – reg.

Ref: (1) Rly. Board’s RBE No.117/2016, issued under Letter No.2016-E(SCT)I/ 25/8 dated 30,09,2016 (5.C.No.104/2016).
(2) This Office letter issued under letter No.SCR/P.HQ/602/RP/Policy, dated 23.06.2017.
(3) Rly. Board’s RBE No.91/2018, issued under Letter No.2018-E(SCT)L/25/9 dated 19.06.2018(S.C.No.121/2018).
(4) Rly. Board’s Letters No.2018-E(SCT)I/25/9, dated 13.04.2022 (S.C.No.55/2022) and 02.05.2022 (5.C.No.64/ 2022).
(5) Rly. Board’s Letter No.2018-E(SCT)I/25/9, dated 22.06.2022 (S.C.No.89/2022).


In pursuant to Rly. Board’s letter No. 2018 – E(SCT) 1/25/9, dated 22.06.2022 (S.C.No.89/ 2022), in which Rly. Board has clarified as under:

“Now fresh instructions had been issued vide Board’s letter No. 2018-E(SCT)I/25/9, dated 13.04.2022 & 02.05.2022 in consonance with DOP&T’s O.M. No.36012/ 16/2019-Estt.(Res.) dated 12.04.2022, wherein it had been advised to follow instructions/ guidelines, laid down in Boards letter No. 95-E(SCT)1/49/5(2) dated 21.08.1997 wrt. maintenance of Roster. In this regard attention ¢ invited to Para-10 of  Annexure – I, wherein it had been mentioned that while operating the roster, persons belonging to communities for whom reservation -has been made, but who are appointed on merit and not owing To reservation, should not be shown against reserved points. They will occupy the unreserved points.

Further it is reiterated that as the Jarnail Singh batch of cases are still pending in the Supreme Court of India, any promotion order issued shall be subject to further orders that may be passed by the Supreme Court in the said batch of cases’.

In view of the above clarification issued by Rly. Board, it is advised to follow the Said instructions scrupulously from the date of issue of Rly, Board’s letter. However, the staff already promoted prior to issue of these instructions, may not be reverted.

This issues with the approval of PCPO.

(G.Srinivasa Naik)
for Principal Chief Personnel Officer

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