Opening of One Section of Balvatika-3 (for children of 5+ years of age) in 450 KVs

Opening of One Section of Balvatika-3 (for children of 5+ years of age) in 450 KVs

Opening of One Section of Balvatika-3 (for children of 5+ years of age) in 450 KVs


An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi – 110016

F.No.11331/ 2023-24 /KVS(HQ)/DC (Acad-II)/2918-55

Date 29.06.2023

The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices

Subject: Opening of One Section of Balvatika-3 (for children of 5+ years of age) in 450 KVs – reg

Madam /Sir,

Inviting your attention to the subject cited above, I am to convey the decision to start one section of Balvatika-3 class (for children of 5+ years of age) in the identified 450 KVs (as per the list given in Annexure-I) from the current Academic Session 2023-24. In this regard, the following guidelines are required to be followed and therefore, necessary directions be issued to the Principal of concerned KVs to take necessary for immediate action at their end:

I. Admission in Balvatika-3 :-

  • Admission to Balvatika-3 class alone shall be done as per the priority and reservations given in the KVS Admission Guidelines 2023-24. The prescribed age criteria is given below:
Class Age (as on 31st March 2023)
Balvatika – 3 Should have attained 5+ years but not completed 6 years of age
  • Reservation under the provisions of RTE Act-2009 shall be applicable for Balvatika-3.
  • Provision for admission for Single Girl Child Category shall not be applicable to Balvatika -3.
  • Local advertisement shall be issued by the respective KVs and would ensure wide publicity in their locality.
  • Notification, registration and admission will be done as per the Admission Schedule (Annexure-II) attached.
  • Registration for admission in Balvatika -3 will be done through Online mode. Registration link, schedule for draw of lots and other details will be issued separately.

II. Engagement of Teachers & Caregivers: – Following modalities shall be a followed for the engagement of teachers on contractual basis and care givers (Helpers) on outsourcing basis for Balvatika-3.

  • A total of 02 ECCE trained Teachers shall be engaged on contractual basis by each KV as per the qualification prescribed by NCTE:

⩥ secondary class (Class X or its equivalent) from a recognised a board, minimum 18 years of age and should have induction framing in pre-school Education. Or Any person possessing skill training / adequate training as prescribed by NIPCCD, NSDC or any other institution recognised by the central Government/ appropriate Government/ Recognised University / Board.

⩥ Salary for helpers shall be as per the rates applicable for semi-skilled persons.

  • The engagement of such teachers on contractual basis shall be made as per the instructions contained in this Office letter dated 08.10.2013 and their remuneration shall be paid as per this office letter dated 21.03.2013 (similar to that of Primary Teachers)
  • One Caregiver (helper) shall be engaged by each of the KV through the process of outsourcing for Balvatika-3.
  • Caregivers (helper) shall be engaged as per the qualification for prescribed by NCERT/ NCPCR.

III. Class rooms, furniture and other resources:

  • The identified class room shall be made as attractive and colourful to motivate the children.
  • Age appropriate furniture shall be procured by the respective KVs following GFR 2017. The KVs may either opt to have hexagonal tables and chairs or any other suitable design as deemed fit. However, it should be ensured that these are safe for the usage by children.
  • Further, Smart class facilities including good audio systems, other Teaching Aids, Storage Facilities. etc shall be made available in each of these classes.


NEW DELHI – 110016

The Admission Schedule for Balvatika-3 in the Session 2023-24

1 Notification for admission in Balvatika-3 Latest by 5th July 2023
2 Opening of online Registration for Balvatika-3 06.07.2023 (Thursday)
09:00 AM
3 Last date of Online Registration for Balvatika-3 18.07.2023 (Tuesday)
07:00 PM
4 (a) Declaration of provisional select and waitlist of registered candidates 20.07.2023 (Thursday)
(b) Admission of selected eligible candidates 21.07.2023 (Friday) to 28.07.2023 (Friday)
5 Commencement of Class 29.07.2023

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