Digital Medical Certificate (sick/fit certificate) – Enhancing HR Efficiency through Digitalization in Indian Railways

Digital Medical Certificate (sick/fit certificate) – Enhancing HR Efficiency through Digitalization in Indian Railways

Digital Medical Certificate (sick/fit certificate) – Enhancing HR Efficiency through Digitalization in Indian Railways


No.2023/I & Tr. Cell/P/DMC

New Delhi, Date: 27.10.2023

The General Manager
All Indian Railways

Subject: Digital Medical Certificate (sick/fit certificate) – reg.

The objective of securing economy, simplification and ease in processes consistent with better systems, administrative efficiency, evolving performance standards and work norms have been a key thrust area for IR.

HMIS (Hospital Management Information System) and UMID (Unique Medical Identity), are two key IT Systems, implemented over IR, that have enabled system gains by leveraging technology with process re-engineering like shifting to Digital Medical Certificates.

Accordingly it has been decided that:

(i) Henceforth sick/fit medical certificates to employees (as per IRMM-I, Section D, and in particular para-538 ‘sick certificate’ and para-541 ‘fit certificate’) would be issued digitally. The Digital Medical Certificate (sick/fit certificate), with a message / alert, shall be sent to the employee (UMID).

(ii) For any Zonal Railway / field specific instruction, wherever required, CPO/IR may issue required instruction with the approval of the GM.

(iii) AS a key HR efficiency parameter and MIS Report / Dashboard item: work-days (previously termed as man-days) lost due to sickness (field unit-wise, age-profile wise, designation-wise like crew man-days lost, etc.) from HMIS would be monitored by the PCMD/CMSs and shared with GM/DRMs/HODs/BOs.

This issues with the approval of Railway Board (DG/RHS, DG/HR and Chairman & CEO, Railway Board).

Kindly acknowledge receipt and ensure compliance.

Hindi translation will follow.

(Pranav Kumar Mallick)
Executive Director (Transformation)
Railway Board
(Dr Praval Pant)
Director (IH)

Railway Board

Source :

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