Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis in Indian Railways : RBE No. 113

Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis in Indian Railways : RBE No. 113

Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis in Indian Railways : RBE No. 113

Indian Railways has announced the extension of the scheme for the engagement of Ex-servicemen as Gatemen in both the Civil and Traffic departments on a contract basis. The scheme, which was set to expire on September 30, 2023, has been reviewed and will now continue for an additional year, until September 30, 2024.



RBE No. — 113/2023

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)

No. E(NG)I/2021/RC-4/1

New Delhi, dated 06.10.2023

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways (As per standard mail list)

Sub: Engagement of Ex-Servicemen as Gatemen on Contract Basis.

Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)IT/2021/RC-4/1 dated 03.04.2023 (RBE No.48/2023).

In terms of Board’s letter cited under reference, the scheme for engagement of Ex-servicemen as Gatemen (both Civil & Traffic departments) on contract basis was last extended up to 30.09.2023.

2. The aforesaid scheme has been reviewed and it has now been decided to extend the scheme of engagement of Ex-servicemen on contract basis against the existing vacancies for a further period of one year beyond 01.10.2023 i.e. up to 30.09.2024 as per extant terms and conditions. Engagement should be made in the category of Gateman only. The Railway wise quota of such engagement shall be limited to 15,364/ (fifteen thousand three sixty four only) numbers as indicated in the enclosed “Annexure”. Since the actual requirement at each railway is a dynamic figure dependent on the results of recruitment exercises, etc, the number of Gatemen indicated in “Annexure” should be treated as a ceiling and reviewed as per actual requirement and need.

3. It may be ensured that the engagement of Ex-servicemen as Gatemen on contract basis is mandatorily done through GeM only.

4. It is reiterated that the above engagements should be phased out gradually with the joining of regular employees. This should be closely monitored at zonal level.

(U.K. Tiwari)
Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board

Annexure to Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2021/RC-4/1 dated 06.10.2023(RBE No. 113 /2023)

S.No. Zonal Railway Total allotment of ex-Serviceman as Gateman (Civil) on contract basis Total allotment of ex-Serviceman as Gateman (Traffic) on contract basis Total allotment of ex-Servicemen as Gatemen (Civil + Traffic) on contract basis
1 CR 565 411 976
2 ER 0 159 159
3 ECR 411 514 925
4 ECoR 350 507 857
5 NR 1068 183 1251
6 NCR 0 621 621
7 NER 726 690 1416
8 NFR 1443 546 1989
9 NWR 420 444 864
10 SR 1847 411 2258
11 SCR 35 390 425
12 SER 468 246 714
13 SECR 0 330 330
14 SWR 674 93 767
15 WR 0 1212 1212
16 WCR 366 234 600
Grand Total 8373 6991 15364

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