Streamlined Selection Process for MTS, Postman, and Mail Guard Positions through Single Examination

Streamlined Selection Process for MTS, Postman, and Mail Guard Positions through Single Examination

Streamlined Selection Process for MTS, Postman, and Mail Guard Positions through Single Examination

F. No. 17-08/2018-SpN-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Mars
New Delhi-110001
October 31, 2023


  1. All Chief Postmasters General / All postmasters General
  2. CGM, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate
  3. Sr. DDG (PAF) / All General Managers (Finance), Directors Postal Accounts/DAP
  4. Director, RAKNPA / Directors of all PTCs
  5. Addl. Director General, Army postal Service, New Delhi
  6. Chief Engineer, Civil/ Electrical Wing

Subject: Procedure for selection of candidate based on single examination for the posts of MTS / Postman / Mail Guard – reg.

Madam / Sir,

I am directed to refer to Directorate’s letter of even number dated 18.10.2023 on the above mentioned subject conveying the procedure to be followed for selection of candidate for appointment as Postman / Mail Guard / MTS and to convey following clarifications:-

(a) A candidate opting both Postman Cadre and Mail Guard Cadre shall give order of preference for these two cadres. If a candidate has given 1st preference to Postman Cadre then he/she will be considered against the vacancy of Postman in the opted Division / Units in the given Order of Preference and in case not atloned to any of such opted Division / Units, then he/she will be considered against the vacancy of Mail Guard in the opted Division / Units in the given Order of Preference.

(b) A candidate opting postman and/or Mail Guard cadre and MTS cadre shall be first considered against the vacancy of postman and/or Mail Guard cadre as opted as per (a) above and in case not allotted to any of such opted cadre, then he/she will be considered against the vacancy of MTS Cadre in the opted Division / Units in the given Order of Preference.

2. It is requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concemed.

Yours faithfully,

(Satya Narayana Dash)
Director (SPN)

Copy to:-

  1. Director (DE), Dak Bhawan.
  2. GM, CEPT for uploading the order on India post website.


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