Railway Board issued Timeline for Inter Railway Own Request Transfers : RBE No. 148/2023

Railway Board issued Timeline for Inter Railway Own Request Transfers : RBE No. 148/2023

Railway Board issued Timeline for Inter Railway Own Request Transfers : RBE No. 148/2023

RBE No 148/2023

(रेलवे बोर्ड/ RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(NG)I/2023/TR/30

New Delhi, dated 26.12.2023

The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways & PU’s

Sub: Timeline for Inter Railway Own Request Transfers.

The existing process of inter railway transfers is currently devoid of strict timelines for completion of various stages. While the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) facilitates these transfers, the absence of a defined time limits has led to a lack of efficiency and transparency in the processes involved.

Recognizing the need for a more streamlined and regulated approach, Board have decided to adopt following biannual timelines for own request transfers:

1) Divisions/Unit to assess provisional no. of staff and categories who can be spared i.e Divisions to make an action plan for Inter Railway Own Request Transfers.

Target Date: 1st cycle: 10th April of every year
Target Date: 2nd cycle: 10th October of every year

2) Division/Units to convey consent for accommodating the staff or reject the request.

Target Date: 1st cycle: 30th April of every year
Target Date: 2nd cycle: 30th October of every year

3) Final plan of Divisions for Own Request Transfers to be prepared by Divisions based on decisions received from Divisions/Units. Cases rejected by Divisions to be accounted for by the transferring Division and if necessary, further go down the priority list and advise other Divisions/Units.

Target Date: 1st cycle: 10th – 20th May of every year
Target Date: 2nd cycle: 10th -20th November of every year

4) Next set of Divisions where staff is to be transferred to give consent for accommodating or reject.

Target Date: 1st cycle: 31st May of every year
Target Date: 2nd cycle: 30th November of every year

5) The cycle to continue till 30/6 or 30/12.

Request Transfers stopped for 3 months
Relieving by 30/9 for 1st cycle or 30/3 for 2nd cycle

(Sanjay Kamar)
Dy. Director/Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Ph. No.43658/011-23303658

Source: Railway Board

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