BPS request for Revision of Package Rates for AYUSH Hospitals/Centres under CGHS

BPS request for Revision of Package Rates for AYUSH Hospitals/Centres under CGHS

Bharat Pensioner Samaj

No BPS/SG/CGHS/24/11

Dated : 04.05.024


The Secretary,
GOI Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

The Secretary,
Ministry of Finance- Department of Finance & Expenditure

The Secretary
GOI Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions

Director General CGHS (HQ)
New Delhi

DrAshok Iti
Joint Director (Ayush)
CGHS Bhawan,
Sector – 13 R. K. Puram
New Delhi – 110066

Subject: Request for Revision of Package Rates for AYUSH Hospitals/Centres under CGHS

Respected Sir,

Bharat Pensioners Samaj would like to bring to your attention the Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. Z.28015/ 01/2006-HD Cell/CGHS dated 01/10/2015, issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, regarding the empanelment of AYUSH Hospitals/Centres under CGHS for Ayurveda, Unani, and Yoga & Naturopathy treatments/procedures, along with the fixation of package rates, duly endorsed by ICAR/Council vide Endorsement No. GAC-21-48/2014-CDN dated 30/12/2015.

As per the aforementioned O.M., the rates and terms were stated to be valid for a period of 6 months from 03/07/2015 to 02/01/2016, or until new rates are finalized through a fresh tender process, whichever is earlier.

Additionally, we refer to O.M. No. S.11011/90/2016-CGHS/(HEC VAY USH/Pt.11/349-376 dated 29/08/2023, issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, which extended the empanelment of AYUSH hospitals/Centres under CGHS and CS (MA) Rules till 31st July 2024. The terms and conditions of this extension were to be in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signed between CGHS and the concemed 17 Healthcare Organizations (HCOs).

Furthermore, there is O.M. No. S.11011/90/2016-CGHS/(HEC VAYUSH/Pt.II/124-150 dated 28/03/2024, also issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, extending the empanelment of AYUSH Hospitals/Centres under CGHS and CS (MA) Rules till 31st July 2024. It was stipulated in this O.M. that the terms & conditions would be applicable as per the MoA signed between CGHS and the concerned (07) Hospitals/Centres.

It is noted that no revision of the fixation of package rates has been issued after the the initial O.M. No. Z.28015/01/2006-HD Cell/CGHS dated 01/10/2015.

Bharat Pensioners Samaj requests the issuance of an Office Memorandum addressing this matter at the earliest convenience.

BPS eagerly anticipate your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Secy. Genl.
Bharat Pensioners Samaj
Email: bharatpensioner[at]gmail.com

Copy to Director (PW) DOP & PW for n/a at his level please.

Secy. Genl.
Bharat Pensioners Samaj
Email: bharatpensioner[at]gmail.com

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