Laptop Retention Criterion for officers of Central Civil Services deputed/transferred to PSUs and State Government: DoE clarification

Laptop Retention Criterion for officers of Central Civil Services deputed/transferred to PSUs and State Government: DoE clarification

Government of India
Ministry of Finance .
Department of Expenditure
E.II(A) Branch

Subject: Proposal seeking clarification on laptop retention criterion for officers of Central Civil Services deputed/transferred to PSUs — reg.

Department of Telecommunication may refer to their email dated 18.04.2024 thereby seeking clarification on the above mentioned subject.

2. In this regard, it is clarified that the officers of All-India Services/Central Civil Services, in case of deputation/transfer to PSUs/Autonomous Bodies, are allowed to carry the device in accordance with Para 9(b) of this Department’s OM dated 21.07.2023 and subject to the conditions as stipulated in the said OM. However, no new device shall be issued to the officers during their period of deputation in such bodies, where said OM is not applicable.

3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(C. P. Kushwaha)
Under Secretary, E.II(A)

Shri Manish Kumar, AD (IT-IID, Department of Telecommunication

MoF, DoE I.D. No. 03(10)/2024-E.11(A) dated 22nd April, 2024


Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E.II(A) Branch

Subject: Proposal seeking clarification on laptop retention criterion for officers of Central Civil Services deputed/transferred to State Government — reg.

Department of Telecommunication may refer to their communication No. 8-4/2016-17/IT-I dated 19.02.2024 seeking clarification on the above mentioned subject.

2. In this regard, it is clarified that the officers of Central Civil Services are also allowed to carry the device in case of transfer/deputation to State Government in accordance with Para 9(b) of this Department’s OM dated 21.07.2023 and subject to the conditions as stipulated in the said OM.

(Kanwal Jit)
Under Secretary, E.II(A)
Tel: 011-23094875

Shri Manish Kumar,
AD (IT), Department of Telecommunication.

MoF, DoE I.D. No. 03(06)/2024-E.II(A) dated 27 February, 2024

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