Grant of Non-functional upgradation in Level-9 on completion of four years of regular service in Level-8 in respect of officials belonging to the cadre of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer

Grant of Non-functional upgradation in Level-9 on completion of four years of regular service in Level-8 in respect of officials belonging to the cadre of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer

Grant of Non-functional upgradation in Level-9 on completion of four years of regular service in Level-8 in respect of officials belonging to the cadre of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer

कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन
Employees Provident Fund Organisation
श्रम एवं रोज़गार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
मुख्यकार्यालय/ HEAD OFFICE
एन.बी.सी.सी सेंटर, ब्लॉक2-, ग्राउंड फ्लोर -4th फ्लोर,
ईस्ट किदवई नगर, नई दिल्‍ली -110023
NBCC Centre, Block-2, Ground Floor- 4th Floor,
East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi-110023

No. A-45011/127/2022-HRM-III-Part(1 )/35

Dated: 17 SEP 2024


All Addl. Central P.F Commissioner (HQ)(Zones)
All Addl. Central P.F Commissioner (Zones)
All Regional P.F Commissioner-I (In Charge of Regions)

Subject: Grant of Non-functional upgradation in Level-9 on completion of four years of regular service in Level-8 in respect of officials belonging to the cadre of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer- regarding.


With reference to subject cited above, it is informed that this office vide letter dated 14.05.2024 (Available at Sl no 31 under Office order on has issued the following clarification for treatment of below benchmark cases: –

“Reckoning period of APARs is continuous and there are no. general guidelines/provisions for ignoring any of the APAR, having below benchmark grading during the reckoning period. Therefore, if any of the grading of APARs is below benchmark, the officer concerned would have to earn 5 continuous APARs with ‘Very Good’ grading subsequent to the APAR having below benchmark grading. Accordingly, grant of NFU would also be deferred.”

2. In this connection, it has come to notice that different ZOs are adopting different eligibility date for NFU after completing of 5 continuous APARs with ‘Very Good’ grading.

3. Hence, it is clarified that eligibility date shall be the next date of completion of five continuous APARs above Benchmark i.e 1st of April of the year after completion of five continuous APARs above Benchmark.

(Issues with the approval of ACC(HQ)(HR))

Yours faithfully,

(Shahid Iqbal)
Regional PF Commissioner-I (HRM)

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