Comprehensive Guidelines for the Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 to be organized from November 17th to 30th, 2024

Comprehensive Guidelines for the Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 to be organized from November 17th to 30th, 2024

Comprehensive Guidelines for the Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0 to be organized from November 17th to 30th, 2024

File No 1(2)2023-P&PW(H)-8869
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PO & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare

3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi
9th August, 2024


Subject: Comprehensive Guidelines for the Nation-wide Digital Life Certificate Campaign 3.0, November 17th to 30th, 2024.

The undersigned is directed to say that Central Government Pensioners have to submit & Life Certificate in the period 1-30 November every year for continuation of pension. Digital Life Certificate i.e. Jeevan Pramaan can also be submitted by Face Authentication from an Android smart phone. This is in addition to other modes of submitting Digital Life Certificate, such as through bio-metric device/iris scanner, Video-KYC, LC through the Gramin Dak Sevaks by using the App of India Post Payments Bank and Door-step service by the consortium of Public Sector Banks.

2. In 2014, Government launched the Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan) based on Aadhar Database. There is a special provision for pensioners aged 90 years and above to submit their Life Certificates in the month of October to ensure continuity of their pension.

3. With a view to spread awareness amongst all the Central Government pensioners as well as the Pension Disbursing Authorities for use of DLC through Face Authentication Technology, DoPPW had organized two Nation-wide Campaigns in collaboration with Banks. Pensioners’ Welfare Associations, DoT, CGDA, UIDAI & Meity. The first such campaign was held in 37 cities in the month of November 2022, resulting in use of DLC by approximately 45 Lakh Central Government Pensioners across India. The second campaign was held at 600 locations in 100 cities in November, 2023 and resulted in DLC submission by more than 45.46 Lakh Central Government pensioners.

4. DoPPW shall now be conducting the Nation-wide DLC Campaign 3.0 in 800 cities and towns covering all district HQs, from 1st to 30th November, 2024. The objective of this Campaign is to promote increased use of Face Authentication Technology and other DLC modes with a target of reaching out to all pensioners, including those in the remotest corners of the country. The SOP regarding the technique of issuing DLC through Face Authentication is attached for reference.

5. In order to conduct this Campaign, DoPPW shall obtain the support of the following stake-holders.

  • India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)
  • Pension Disbursing Banks
  • Pensioners Welfare Associations
  • Department of Telecommunications
  • Ministry of Defence (for their own pensioners)
  • PIB, DD & AIR (for media support)
  • UIDAI & MeitY (for technical support)
  • Ministry of Railways (for their own pensioners)
  • All Ministries Departments

6. Nation -wide DLC campaign 3.0 Features:

  • There shall be a common All-India banner of the Nationwide DLC Campaign to be shared separately by DOPPW.
  • DoPPW shall nominate its Nodal officers for the States. These Nodal Officers shall tie up with the Campaign Nodal officers of the different stake-holders, as given above for the respective States/UTs.
  • The campaign would be held at all Districts Headquarters in collaboration with IPPB and also covering 150 cities in collaboration with Banks. Hence, there may be a city/town which would have multiple camps either of two Banks or of IPPB and Banks.
  • The cites have been identified and multiple locations within each city will be
  • Camps will be organized at the identified multiple locations in each city, shortlisted for the Campaign by the banks/establishments.
  • Each Bank shall nominate its nodal officers for each State/UT who shall coordinate with the Bank’s nodal officer for each city for the Campaign. DoPPW shall coordinate with the State Nodal Officers only.
  • IPPB shall nominate Nodal Officers for each district across India.
  • M/o Defence, M/o Railway and D/o Telecommunications shall appoint their own Nodal Officers, accordingly dovetailing the locations as covered by DoPPW
  • UIDAI and MeitY shall also nominate Nodal officers far technical support for each State/UT.
  • PIB & DD shall nominate its Nodal officers for publicity in each State/UT.
  • From September, 2024, onwards wide publicity is to be cared out through social media, pint media, banks and registered Pensioners Welfare Associations.
  • The Banks/Establishments associating with the Campaign in a particular State shall hold camps on designated days of November In addition camps will also be held on other days by all Bank branches for the pensioners reaching Banks.
  • MeitY shall be roped in for utilizing its software to give real-time inputs on the progress of the Campaign on the DLC Portal.
  • A Social Media group of a the Nodal officers shall be created by DOPPW for real-time sharing of information during the Campaign.

7. A separate DLC portal with URL is available wherein details of Nodal Officers at State and City level shall be registered. All inputs related to the Campaign such as URLs of tweets and PIB notes/ press releases are to be entered in this portal The user manual for the DLC Portal is attached for reference.

Click to view/download all 37 pages

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