Railway Board’s Guidelines/Model Document for the appointment of Design Consultants

Railway Board’s Guidelines/Model Document for the appointment of Design Consultants

Railway Board’s Guidelines/Model Document for the appointment of Design Consultants

भारत सरकार/ Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय / Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड / Railway Board)

No. 2023/CE-U/CT/1/POLICY

New Delhi, dated 16.10.2024

General Manager,
All Zonal Railways.

Sub: Guidelines/Model Document for the appointment of Design Consultants

Ref: (i) Northern Railway’s letter No. 2024/NR/RSPU/Misc/32 dated 26.07.2024
(ii) Board’s letter No. 2023/CE-I/CT/1/POLICY dated 15.03.2023 & 23.03.2023

The matter of Model Document for the appointment of Design Consultants was under consideration of Board from some time.

2. The matter has been examined and the Board (MI & MF) has decided as under:- :

“DDC tender document may be formed by using General Consultants document as Base document with suitable changes in the terms of references & other clauses as per the requirement of Zonal Railway.”

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

निदेशक सिविल इंजी.(जी)/रेलवे बोर्ड
[Rly No. 030-47598, MTNL No. 011-23047598]
e-mail address: dceg[at]rb.railnet.gov.in

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