Advisory On Timely Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) by MES Offrs

Advisory On Timely Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) by MES Offrs

Advisory On Timely Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) by MES Offrs

Tele: 011-23019228

Jt DG (D&V)/E1D
Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg
New Delhi-110011


20 Nov 2024

Chief Engineer Southern Command
Chief Engineer Eastern Command
Chief Engineer Northern Command
Chief Engineer Western Command
Chief Engineer Central Command
Chief Engineer South Western Command
ADG (P) Chennai
ADG (North), Jammu
ADG (NEI), Guwahati

Advisory On Timely Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) by MES Offrs

1. DoPT vide their OM No. 11012/11/2007-Estt.A dated 27 sep 2011 has issued instructions that members of Central Civil Services/Posts who fail to submit Annual Immovable Property Returns (AIPR) of the relevant year within the prescribed time limit, would be denied Vigilance Clearance and they will not be considered for empanelment for senior level posts in Government of India. Vide the ibid OM, DoPT has inserted Sub-Para 2(f) in the DoPT earlier OM No. 11012/11/2007-Estt.A dt 14 Dec 2007 which reads as under:

(i) “Vigilance clearance shall be denied to an officer if he fails to submit his Annual Immovable Property Return (AIPR) of the previous year by 31st January of the following year, as required under Government of India decision under Rule 18 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rule, 1964.”

2. DoPT vide their OM No. 11013/17/2023-PP-A.III dated 14 Jul 2023 has further emphasized that failure on the part of a Government servant to comply with the requirement of the aforesaid rule can form good and sufficient reasons for instituting Disciplinary Proceedings against him.

3. Data of non-filing of AIPR by stipulated timeline for the year ending 2023 has been compiled at this HQ and a total of 1364 officers (178 Gp A + 1186 Gp B) have not filed their AIPR of year 2023 by stipulated date i.e. 31 Jan 2024.

4. The same has been viewed seriously by the E-in-C. E-in-C has directed to instruct all the defaulting officials to submit their AIPR of year 2023 by 15 Dec 2024, failing which strict disciplinary action will be initiated against the defaulting officers.

5. System of manual filing of AIPR has been discontinued by this HQ w.e.f 01 Jan 2023. Manual AIPR recd through post shall not be entertained and Shall be treated as null and void.

6. Further gravity of timely submission of AIPR may be disseminated to junior most level and officers in the AOR of respective CEs Comd/ADGs be directed to ensure timely filing of AIPR for year ending 2024 by 31 Jan 2025 on Sparrow Portal of e-office through online filing only.

7. Letter may be put up to CE/ADG please.

(Anil Kumar Shukla)
Dir (D&V)
For E-in-C

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