Timely Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) in respect of SAOs for the year 2024 : CGDA order dated 30.12.2024

Timely Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) in respect of SAOs for the year 2024 : CGDA order dated 30.12.2024

Timely Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) in respect of SAOs for the year 2024 : CGDA order dated 30.12.2024



Date: 30/12/2024

The All PCsDA /CsDA

Subject: Timely Submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) in respect of SAOs for the year 2024.

Reference: HQrs office circular No. AN/II/2605/Gen Corr/IPR dated 0412.2024 & 06.12.2024.

1. As per the DoPT F. No. 11013/3/2011-Estt. (A) dated 23.09.2013, “All Cadre Controlling Authorities are required to place the IPRs (submitted by 31st January each year) of Group A service in Public domain by 31st March (Each year) and a report in this regard is also required to be sent to DoPT by 30th April every year by the Ministry/Department. Therefore, in order to ensure timely compilation of data and to avoid delay in submission of report to DoPT, instructions have been issued for submission of IPR online through SPARROW portal in respect of SAOs vide HOrs office above referred circular dated 04.12.2023 and 06.12.2023. However, despite this, some of the officers have not submitted their IPR through SPARROW portal. It is, therefore, reiterated that all the SAOs are required to submit their IPR invariably through online mode on SPARROW portal by 31.01.2025.

2. Further, as per the extant order on the subject issued by DOPT vide OM F No. 11013/17/2023-PP-A.III dated 14.07.2023, “Vigilance clearance for the purpose of (a) empanelment (b) any deputation for which clearance is necessary (c) appointments to sensitive posts and assignments to training programs (except mandatory), shall be denied to an officer, if he/she fails to submit his/her annual immovable property return of the previous year by 31st January of the following year.

3. DoPT OM No. 11013/12/93-Estt. (A) dated 24.01.1994 further states that ‘failure on the part of a Government servant to comply with the requirement of the aforesaid rule can form good and sufficient reason for instituting disciplinary proceedings against him. Accordingly, strict action will be taken against the SAO who fails to submit the returns in time or furnishes wrong information’.

4. It is, therefore, requested to bring the content of the above circular to all concerned for strict compliance please.

5. A compliance report, along with a report on the prescribed proforma (enclosed as annexure ‘A’), may please be furnished to AN-II Section of this HQrs office through email by 05.02.2025.

Encls: As stated.

(Geetika Sing ‘Battu)

Annexure ‘A’

Name of Organisation …………………….

Total Number of SAOs posted in the Organisation as on 01.01.2025 (including PIFA/IFA/Jt.IFA/ Sr.Dy.IFA
offices and SAO on deputation to other Ministries/ Department under their proforma strength)
Number of SAOs who have filled their IPR on SPARROW
Portal on prescribed time
schedule (Please also enclose
list of such officers along with
copy of IPR filed by them)
Number of SAO who have not filed their IPR on prescribed time schedule (List of such officers along with date of actual submission may be enclosed) Number of SAOs who
have not yet
submitted IPR on any format (i.e. physical/ Online) with detailed reason


Important Instructions:

  • PCsDA/CsDA are requested to direct APAR Manager nominated in their office to check IPR of each SAOs under their administrative jurisdiction on SPARROW portal and ensure for the said compliance.
  • Earlier in many cases, it has been seen that officers have filed the IPR as ‘Draft’ and have not finally submitted and thus the same was not available for view in SPARROW. Therefore, APAR Manager should ensure that all officers have finally submitted the IPR in SPARROW. In case of failure of final submission within due date, it will be treated as non-compliance.
  • In exceptional circumstances, when SAOs who are on deputation where SPARROW is not implemented / in use or due to some technical reason could not file their IPR in online mode in SPARROW portal and instead submit it as hard copy in such cases, the APAR Manager nominated in Controller office is required to upload the same in SPARROW ID through migration.
  • Further, as per HQRs office earlier letter No. AN/II/2605/Gen Corr/IPR dated 23.01.2023 details of nominated link officer (APAR Manager) to monitor the compliance of SAO IPR on SPARROW may also please be intimated to AN-XIII section of HQrs officer at their email ID i.e. [email protected]
  • SAOs who are on proforma strength of respective PCsDA/CsDA on 31.12.2024 may also be included in the said compliance report.

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