Guidelines for procurement of desktop PCs : Model specifications of Desktop PCs

Guidelines for procurement of desktop PCs : Model specifications of Desktop PCs

Guidelines for procurement of desktop PCs : Model specifications of Desktop PCs


No. A-15013(12)/11/2020-RBCC

New Delhi, dated 27.12.2024

The General Managers
All India Railways/Production Units
(As per standard list)

Sub: Guidelines for procurement of desktop PCs

Ref: (i) Board’s letter of even no. dated 22.08.2024
(ii) MeitY Office Memorandum No.-W-43/4/2020-IPHW dated 19.08.2024.

Policy guidelines for procurement of Desktop PCs in all Indian Railways/Production Units were laid down vide letter under reference (i). Consequent to the revision dated 19.08.2024 by MeitY of model specifications of Desktop PCs for procurement by the Ministries/Departments, it has now been decided that the procurement of Desktop PCs is to be made in Indian Railways as per the following revised specifications:

Level of Desktop PC Specification Entitlement of officers/ staff
High End AMD Ryzen 7 5700G/Intel Core i7 12700 or higher, RAM Minimum 16GB DDR4 or latest, with support of suitable slots to expand memory upto 64 GB or higher, Minimum 1 TB SSD (Nvme), screen size 19” WTFT or higher Officers SAG and above
Middle Level AMD Ryzen 5 5600G/Intel Core i5 12400, RAM- Minimum 16GB DDR4 with support of suitable slots to expand memory upto 32 GB, Minimum 500 GB HDD & 500 GB SSD (Nvme), screen size 19” WTFT or higher Group ‘A’ officers
upto SG, Group
‘B’ officers
End Level AMD Ryzen 3 5300G/Intel Core i3 12100, RAM- Minimum 16GB DDR4 with support of suitable slots to expand memory upto 16 GB or more, Minimum 500 GB HDD or 500 GB SSD (Nvme), screen size 19” WTFT or higher All Non-Gazetted

2. In case of any specific requirement that require high compute or memory intensive infrastructure, Railways may procure high specification desktop PCs subject to condition that overall financial limit prescribed in MSOP-2018 for the purchase of PCs is not breached and the following conditions are followed:
(i)Higher specifications of PC should only be permitted with the prior concurrence of associate finance, and
(ii) The approval should be taken from GMs in concerned Zonal Railways/PUs

3. This order supersedes the earlier guidelines issued by this office letter dated 04.01.2022, 14.09.2023 and 22.08.2024.

4. Procurement is to be done through GeM portal only.

5. This issues with concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(Bharat Bhushan Harit)
Director ME (C&IS)

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