Category: Complementary Pass

Enabling of non-cash counter for booking of Privilege Ticket Order (PTO) and differences of passes: Railway Board Clarification dated 08.07.2022

Enabling of non-cash counter for booking of Privilege Ticket Order (PTO) and differences of passes: Railway Board Clarification dated 08.07.2022

Enabling of non-cash counter for booking of Privilege Ticket Order (PTO) and differences of passes: Railway Board Clarification dated 08.07.2022 GOVE ...
Misuse of Complimentary Card Passes (CCPs) — clarification by Railway Board dated 04.05.2022

Misuse of Complimentary Card Passes (CCPs) — clarification by Railway Board dated 04.05.2022

Misuse of Complimentary Card Passes (CCPs) — clarification by Railway Board dated 04.05.2022 Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Boar ...
Extension of validity of the year-ending Privilege/Complimentary Passes and PTOs

Extension of validity of the year-ending Privilege/Complimentary Passes and PTOs

Extension of validity of the year-ending Privilege/Complimentary Passes and PTOs A.I.R.F. ALL INDIA RAILWAYMEN'S FEDERATION No.AIRF/561 Dated: M ...
Validation of Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary Passes/ PTOs in Festival/Special Trains – AIRF

Validation of Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary Passes/ PTOs in Festival/Special Trains – AIRF

Validation of Privilege/Post Retirement Complimentary Passes/ PTOs in Festival/Special Trains – AIRF A.I.R.F. All India Railwaymen Federation No.AI ...

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