Treatment of Senior Citizens: Veterans aged 75 years (male) and 70 years (female) will be given priority for medical attendance at Polyclinics

Treatment of Senior Citizens: Veterans aged 75 years (male) and 70 years (female) will be given priority for medical attendance at Polyclinics

Treatment of Senior Citizens: Veterans aged 75 years (male) and 70 years (female) will be given priority for medical attendance at Polyclinics

Tele : 011-25684847
ASCON : 36832
Fax : 011-25684946
Email : [email protected]

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
IHQ of MoD (Army)
Thimayya Marg, Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt – 110 010


17 Nov 2020

IHQ of MoD (Navy)/PD ECHS (N)
All Command HQs
All Regional Centre (ECHS)


1. Ref the u/m letters of Central Org ECHS on the subject :-

(a) B/49701/AG/ECHS dated 15 Mar 2007.
(b) B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 19 Nov 2007.
(c) B/49701-PR/AG/ECHS dated 12 Dec 2013.

2. Directions had been issued vide the a/m letters to allow priority in medical attendance to the ECHS male members above 75 yrs and female members above 70 yrs of age in the Polyclinics.

3. Inadvertently, these Veterans above 75 yrs and dependent female members above 70 yrs have been mentioned as ‘Senior Citizens’, whereas as per Govt norms all citizens over 60 years are referred to as Senior Citizens. Accordingly some Veterans are demanding that priority should be accorded to all members above 60 years being Senior Citizens. The very purpose of priority will be defeated in case all are granted same dispensation.

4. In view of the aforementioned, above quoted letters are superseded. However, the elderly ECHS beneficiaries of undermentioned ages will continue to be given priority for medical attendance at Polyclinics including consultation, check up and issue of medicine as hitherto fore :-

(a) Males – 75 yrs & above.
(b) Females – 70 yrs & above.

5. For info and further dissemination please.

(Rajesh Dogra)
Dir (Ops & Coord)

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