Incumbency position of CSS officers posted in various outstation offices – DoPT seeks details from the Ministries/Departments

Incumbency position of CSS officers posted in various outstation offices – DoPT seeks details from the Ministries/Departments

Incumbency position of CSS officers posted in various outstation offices – DoPT seeks details from the Ministries/Departments

Government of India
Ministry Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Khan Market, Lok Nayak Bhavan.
New Delhi, dated 3rd February, 2021.


Subject: Incumbency position of CSS officers posted in various outstation offices – providing data thereof – reg.

The CS.I Division of DoPT is in the process of conducting an exercise to ascertain the actual number of CSS officers in all grades who have been posted by their respective Ministries/Departments at their outstation offices. All the cadre units are, therefore, requested to confirm the details of officers of CSS in all grades along with the names of the incumbents manning the posts under their control at outstation locations. The details may be provided in the format given below by email to [email protected] by 04.02.2021, positively.

Name of Ministry/Department :

Grade Number of Outstation Post(s) Name of the Organization and Place/ Location where the post is/are operated Name of the incumbent(s) posted at the outstation office Date since posted
Deputy Secretary
Under Secretary
Section Officer
Assistant Section Officer

(Amit Ghosal)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India
(through website of DoPT)


Source: DOPT

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