Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority of TES Group ‘B’ – Regarding

Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority of TES Group ‘B’ – Regarding

Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority of TES Group ‘B’ – Regarding

File No. 9-11(02)/2020-Estt
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan, 20-Ashoka Road, New Delhi
(Establishment Wing)

Dated the 3rd March, 2020


Subject: Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority of TES Group ‘B’- Regarding

In supersession of S.O. 476(E) dated 17.05.2000 and earlier orders regarding designation of Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority in respect of Telecommunications Engineering Service(Group ‘B’) posts of the General Central Service and in pursuance to Central Civil Services(Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules 1965 (as amended from time to time), it has been decided with the approval of Competent Authority that the Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority for these posts will be as per Schedule enclosed herewith.

(S C Karol)
Director (Establishment)
Tel: 23036500


  1. PPS to Secretary (T)
  2. Member (S)/ Member (T)/ Member(F)
  3. DG Telecom/CGCA
  4. Advisor(O)/Advisor(T)
  5. Chief Vigilance Officer, DoT
  6. All Heads of LSAs / TEC / NTIPRIT / NCCS
  7. All Vigilance Officers of LSAs
  8. DDG(Pers), DoT
  9. Director (IT) for posting this OM on the website of DoT
  10. Guard file/ spare

File No. 9-11(02)/2020-Estt


In respect of Telecommunications Engineering Service (Group ‘B’) posts of the General Central Service in the Department of Telecommunications, the authority specified in column 2 shall be the Appointing Authority and the authorities specified in Columns 3 and 5 shall be the Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority respectively in regard to the penalties specified in column 4:

Description of posts Appointing Authority Authority competent to impose penalties and penalties which it may impose(with reference to rule 11 of Central Civil Services(lassification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 Appellate Authority
Authority Penalties
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sub-Divisional Engineer/ Assistant Director (Pay Level-08), Department of Telecommunications Member, Digital Communications Commission Member, Digital Communications Commission All Secretary, Department of Telecommunications
Head of Department not below the level of Senior Administrative Grade(SAG) in the respective unit of Department of Telecommunications (i) to (iv) Member, Digital Communications Commission
Junior Telecom Officer (Pay Level-07), Department of Telecommunications Advisor, Department of Telecommunications Advisor, Department of Telecommunications All Member, Digital Communications Commission
Head of Department not below the level of Senior Administrative Grade(SAG) in the respective unit of Department of Telecommunications (i) to (iv) Advisor, Department of Telecommunications


Source: Click here to view/download PDF

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