Day: October 23, 2022

Building a Pensioned Society enabled through Digi Locker – PFRDA Circular dated 19.10.2022

Building a Pensioned Society enabled through Digi Locker – PFRDA Circular dated 19.10.2022

Building a Pensioned Society enabled through Digi Locker - PFRDA Circular dated 19.10.2022 PENSION FUND REGULATORY AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Circula ...
PM launches Rozgar Mela – recruitment drive for 10 lakh personnel – PM handed over 75,000 appointment letters to newly inducted appointees.

PM launches Rozgar Mela – recruitment drive for 10 lakh personnel – PM handed over 75,000 appointment letters to newly inducted appointees.

PM launches Rozgar Mela – recruitment drive for 10 lakh personnel Posted On: 22 OCT 2022 1:10PM by PIB Delhi “The efficiency of gove ...
Finalization of APAR for the year 2021-22 by 30th November 2022: Decision taken in review meeting held on 02.09.2022

Finalization of APAR for the year 2021-22 by 30th November 2022: Decision taken in review meeting held on 02.09.2022

Finalization of APAR for the year 2021-22 by 30th November 2022: Decision taken in review meeting held on 02.09.2022 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF ...
Precautions on Train Operation during Foggy & inclement weather: Railway Board dated 12.10.2022

Precautions on Train Operation during Foggy & inclement weather: Railway Board dated 12.10.2022

Precautions on Train Operation during Foggy & inclement weather: Railway Board dated 12.10.2022 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA  MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAIL ...

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