Opening of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kamrup (Metro), Assam – NVS order dated 16.08.2024

Opening of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kamrup (Metro), Assam – NVS order dated 16.08.2024

Opening of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kamrup (Metro), Assam – NVS order dated 16.08.2024

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Ministry of Education
(Dept. of School Education & Literacy)
Government of India
B-15, Institutional Area, Sector-62
Noida – 201307 (Uttar Pradesh)
Website –

F. No 2-13/2007-NVS(GA)/661

Dated: 16.08.2024


The Secretary
Secondary Education
Government of Assam,
Ground Floor, Block-C, Janata Bhawan,
Dispur-78 1005

Subject : Opening of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Kamrup (Metro), Assam from its temporary site — reg.


Kindly refer to this office letter of even number dated 09.08.2023 (Copy enclosed), wherein the approval of the Hon’ble Minister of Education and Chairman, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti was conveyed  for change of permanent site for establishing Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya at the following place Subject to the conditions contained in this letter and also as per Inspection Report submitted by the Site Selection Committee.

Location of JNV Kamrup (Metro)      Name of the District
Permanent Site                                            Kamrup (Metro), Assam

Village : Chandrapur Bagicha
Mauza : Kungwari
District : Kamrup (Metro)
Pin : 781150

2. In absence of any suitable temporary accommodation, the Vidyalaya was made functional from the campus of JNV Kamrup till the completion of construction work at permanent site of JNV Kamrup (Metro) from the Academic Session 2023-24 onwards or till receipt of suitable temporary accommodation by the State Govt. / concerned District Admn., whichever is earlier.

3. Now, the State Govt. has provided a temporary site to run JNV Kamrup (Metro) till completion of own building at permanent site. The same has been approved by Hon’ble Minister of Education cum Chairman, NVS. The details of the temporary site are as under:

Temporary Site

Madhab Das High School, Birubari, Rupnagar
Village & Mouza : Ulubari
Block : Guwahati 
District : Kamrup (Metro), Assam

4. For the effective management of the Vidyalaya, it has been decided to designate District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner/Collector of the concerned district as the Chairman of the Vidyalaya Management Committee. The establishment of the aforesaid Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is subject to the conditions that both the permanent & temporary sites allotted for the construction of JNV complex will have to be made functional from the point of view of its utilization with provision of roads, access to the premises, supply of water, electricity, telephone connection etc. at the cost of the State Govt.

5. If any of the conditions mentioned above and in the Inspection Report are not fulfilled, it will be open for the Samiti to re-consider the proposal and keep in abeyance the functioning of JNV in Kamrup (Metro), Assam.

6. In case any further clarification is required, the following officers of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Hqrs. may be contacted: –

i. Shri Vinayak Garg, IRSEE Commissioner 0120-2975740-55
ii. Shri Sameer Pandey
Joint Commissioner (Admn. )
iii. Shri Raghuvendra Kumar
Deputy Commissioner (Admn.)
iii. Shri Azad Singh
Assistant Commissioner (Admn.)

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

[Sameer Pandey]
Joint Commissioner (Admn.)

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