Special emergency powers to tackle COVID outbreak – Ministry of Defence order

Special emergency powers to tackle COVID outbreak – Ministry of Defence order

Special emergency powers to tackle COVID outbreak – Ministry of Defence order

No. DRDO/DF&MN/BE/82001/M/01/891/D( R&D)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Deptt of Defence Research & Development
DRDO Bhawan
New Delhi — 110 011

19 Nov 2020


The Chairman
Defence Research & Development Organisation
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi — 110 011

Sub : Special emergency powers to tackle COVID outbreak


I am directed to convey the sanction of President for the following special emergency powers to empower DRDO appropriately to discharge its tasks relating to COVID outbreak :

a. Lab Directors may approve and sanction Single Tender Procurements without financial concurrence up to Rs 50 lakh per case (Lab Directors already have powers upto Rs 50 lakh for Open Tender/ Limited tender cases without financial concurrence).

b. Secretary D R&D may exercise full powers for approving and sanctioning Single/Open/ Limited Tender Procurements without financial concurrence (In line with powers of GOC in C).

c. The powers delegated at a) and b) above would be applicable for all expenses for running of DRDO COVID Hospital & expenses incurred by INMAS, Delhi and DIPAS, Delhi relating to testing and other expenditure specifically to counter the COVID Pandemic.

d. These powers will be valid up to three months from the date of issue of this letter or till the orders issued by MHA for promulgation of disaster under NDMA are denotified, whichever is earlier.

e. In case of single tender procurement; reason for resorting to the same may be recorded while obtaining approval of CFA (Director/ Secy D (R&D).

f. Due to Lockdown and minimal staff presence, email approvals would be valid, where required.

2. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance/ R&D) vide Addl. FA Dy No. 2204 dated 49-November 2020.

Yours faithfully

(Harsha Rani)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


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