Clarification regarding Instructions on the exemption from passing typing test vide Railway Board Order RBE No. 09/2023

Clarification regarding Instructions on the exemption from passing typing test vide Railway Board Order RBE No. 09/2023

Clarification regarding Instructions on the exemption from passing typing test vide Railway Board Order RBE No. 09/2023

RBE No. 09/2023

(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)

No. E(NG)I-2022/CFP/13

New Delhi, dated 11.01.2023

The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways & Production Units, etc.
(As per standard list)

Sub: Clarification regarding instructions on the exemption from passing typing test.

Ref: i) Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-96/CFP/19 dated 07.04.2000.
ii) Board’s letters No.E(NG)I-2015/CFP/7 dated 16.01.2017 and 07.04.2022.
ii) DOP&T’s OM No.14020/2/91-Esstt.(D) dated 29.09.1992.
iv) DOP&T’s OM No.14020/1/2014-Esstt.(D) dated 22.04.2015.

As the Railway administrations are aware, Railway Board’s instructions dated 07.04.2000 (RBE 66/2000) inter alia provided for three chances being given in two years’ time to employees who are promoted from erstwhile Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ against the 33⅓% quota, and from Jr. Clerk to Sr. Clerk against the 13⅓% quota otherwise they were to be reverted. The provision of reversion has been done away with vide Board’s instructions contained in letter no. E(NG)I-2015/CFP/7 dated 07.04.2022 citing adoption of DoPT’s instructions contained in O.M. dated 22.04.2015 wherein exemption from passing the type test in certain conditions have been provided.

2. Doubts have been raised by one of the PUs as to whether the candidates who do not pass the type test in a period of 2 years should continue to be given further chances for up to 8 years till they clear the type test, or after 3 chances in 02 years, they should wait for the fulfilment of exemption criteria for increment etc. The matter has been examined and the competent authority has decided that in terms of para 2.(2) (c) of the DoPT OM 29.09.1992 adopted vide this office letter under ref. (ii) dated 16.01.2017, 2 genuine attempts may be allowed in the normal course and further attempts shall be allowed for valid reasons with the personal approval of General Manager.

3. On the question of grant of increments to such staff who are to appear in the type test, attention is drawn to Para 6 of DoPT OM 29.09.1992.

4, This disposes of RCF’s letter no.2021-E/P/Mins/Typing Test dated 04.05.2022.

The Hindi version will follow

Please acknowledge receipt.

Encl: Nil.

(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board

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