Rotation of officers/officials working on sensitive posts – Proforma for compliance report : Min. of Finance O.M. dated 15.03.2023

Rotation of officers/officials working on sensitive posts – Proforma for compliance report : Min. of Finance O.M. dated 15.03.2023

Rotation of officers/officials working on sensitive posts – Proforma for compliance report : Min. of Finance O.M. dated 15.03.2023


No: C-11021/63/15/CGA/CVO/Office Guidelines/Vol.II/ 1117
Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts
Block-E, GPO Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023
(Vigilance Section)

Date: 15.03.2023


Subject:-Rotation of officers/officials working on sensitive posts -reg.

Reference is invited to this office OM No. C-11021/63/15/CGA/CVO/Office Guidelines/Vol.II/797, 847 & 949 dated 06.01.2023, 25.01.2023 & 17.02.2023 respectively on the subject cited above.

2. In this connection, it is stated that the requisite information has not been received from many Ministries/Departments/Offices till date. Some of the Ministries/Departments/Offices have not furnished the reports in the prescribed format. Non-submission of the requisite information in the prescribed format has been viewed seriously by the Controller General of Accounts.

3. It is, again requested to arrange to ensure submission of the compliance report regarding (i) rotation of officers/officials working on sensitive posts (11) identification of sensitive Sections/Posts and (iii) a separate list of officers holding sensitive charge and not transferred even after 2/3 years as on 31.01.2023 along with reasons to the Vigilance Section of O/o CGA immediately in the prescribed formats as attached. The Ministries/Departments/Offices who have already furnished the compliance report are also requested to review and resubmit the requisite reports, if not already submitted in the prescribed formats.

4. The complete information duly approved by Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (IC) may please be ensured to be submitted to Vigilance Section, O/o CGA on mail id vigilance-cga[@] positively by 17th March 2023. A review meeting by CGA on the subject matter is scheduled to be held in the ensuing week.

Encl: As above.

(Sanjai Singh)
Jt. Controller General of Accounts (Vig.)


  1. Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs/CC(Pension), Director (INGAF), CFC (Civil Aviation & Tourism) & ADG(B&A), Prasar Bharti.
  2. Jt. CGA(Admin), O/o CGAS Jt. CGA(Admin), PFMS Division.


Source : Click to view/download PDF

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