Deleting and Re-submitting Application for Validation of Option / Joint Option – Provision of online facility to correct errors : EPFO order dated 3.5.2023

Deleting and Re-submitting Application for Validation of Option / Joint Option – Provision of online facility to correct errors : EPFO order dated 3.5.2023

Deleting and Re-submitting Application for Validation of Option / Joint Option – Provision of online facility to correct errors : EPFO order dated 3.5.2023

कर्मचारी भविष्‍य निधि संगठन
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
मुख्‍य कार्यालय / Head Office
भविष्‍य निधि भवन, 14, भीकाएजी कामा प्‍लेस, नई दिल्‍ली-110066
Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi- 110066.

No. Pension/PoHW/2023/69114/615

Date: – 03.05.2023


All Addl. CPFCs, Zonal Offices.
All RPFCs / OICs, Regional Offices.

Sub: Deleting and Re-submitting Application for Validation of Option / Joint Option — reg.


Many representations have been received from pensioners / members with request to provide online facility to correct errors in their Applications for Validation of Option / Joint Option and to file uploads.

2. Accordingly, in the online functionality, a button for ‘Delete Application’ has been provided to the employees. The employee after deleting application can, thereafter, if he/she so desires, file a fresh Application for Validation of Option/ Joint Option with correct details / uploads.

3. However, this button can be used only if the employer has not acted on the Application for Validation of Option / Joint Option submitted by the employee.

4. Where employer has already acted on the Application for Validation of Option/Joint Option, the employee won’t be able to use the Delete Button. However, even in such cases, employee will be provided opportunity to rectify the errors after the scrutiny of Application for Validation of Option / Joint Option by the Field Offices as per the HO circular dated 23.04.2023 (Sr. No. 18 of 2023-24).

This is for information and necessary actions please.

[This issues with the approval of CPFC]

Yours faithfully,

(Aprajita Jaggi)
Regional P.F. Commissioner-I (Pension) 

Copy to:-

  1. PS to CPFC
  2. FA & CAO, CVO, Director (PDNASS), All ZTIs, All ACC (HO)s and ACCs at H.O
  3. ACC-HQ (IS), ACC-IS: To display the following message on EPFO website:

‘A delete button has been provided to the employees to delete Application for Validation of Option / Joint Option so that if they so desire, they may file afresh after correcting errors. This functionality is available  provided employer has not acted upon the Application for Validation of Option / Joint Option so far”

  1. Rajbhasha Section : For providing Version in Hindi.

Deleting and Re-submitting Application for Validation of Option Joint Option

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