Implementation E-Office in the Department – Feeding of employee details – Daily Progress Report | CGDA order dated 23.07.2021

Implementation E-Office in the Department – Feeding of employee details – Daily Progress Report | CGDA order dated 23.07.2021

Implementation E-Office in the Department – Feeding of employee details – Daily Progress Report | CGDA order dated 23.07.2021

‘हर काम देश के नाम’
रक्षा लेखा महानियंत्रक
Controller General of Defence Accounts
उलन बटार रोड, पालम, दिल्‍ली छावनी-110010
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010
Ph: 011-2566703, Fax : 25674806 e-mail : [email protected]


Dated: 23.07.2021


(Through CGDA website)

Sub: E-Office: Implementation in the Department: Feeding of data reg.

Ref: HQrs. circular No.IT-9560EOFF/3/2020-IT dated 10/06/2021 and
reminder dated 29.06.2021.


Please refer to HQrs. Circular cited above on the subject matter vide which it was conveyed that implementation of e-office in the department in a Centralized manner is under progress.

2. Accordingly, all Controllers were requested to take action as stipulated therein and to complete feeding of data of all employees under their organization in a time bound manner. However, it is observed that feeding of data is still to be completed.

3. The competent authority has desired to complete the process in a time bound manner. Accordingly, all Controllers are requested to ensure feeding of data of all employees at the earliest. A compliance report is required to be rendered to HQrs. Office through e-mail at [email protected] latest by 02.08.2021(AN).


4. Daily progress report may also be submitted to HQrs. Office w.e.f 26.07.2021(AN) though e-mail in Annexure ‘A’ attached herewith.

5. It is also requested to nominate a nodal Officer(IDAS) from your organisation and details thereof may be communicated to HQrs. Office through e-mail only.

(Rajeev Ranjan Kumar)

Encl: Annexure ‘A

Annexure ‘A’

Daily Progress Report

Feeding of data: employee details

Principal Controller/Controller : …………………………………….

Grades Total no. of employees No. of employees in respect of whom data fed No. of employees in respect of whom data still to be completed Reason for delay in data feeding


Grades Total no. of employees No. of employees in respect of whom data fed No. of employees in respect of whom data feeding still to be completed Reason for delay in data feeding

Source : CGDA

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