Qualification pay of officials passed confirmation examination for Direct Recruitment as Junior Accountant

Qualification pay of officials passed confirmation examination for Direct Recruitment as Junior Accountant

Qualification pay of officials passed confirmation examination for Direct Recruitment as Junior Accountant

No. 8(3)/07/PA-Admn.I/ 3855/3877
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts, PA WING
4th Floor, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110 001.

Dated: 42.11.2020


Accounts Officer(Admn)
O/o Director of Accounts(Postal)
Jharakhand Circle, Ranchi-834006

Sub:-Clarification regarding qualification pay of officials passed confirmation examination for Direct Recruitment as Junior Accountant.



Kindly refer to your office letter No.DAPJH/29/Admn/Promotion/JA to SA/20-21/5920 dated 11.11.2020 on the aforesald subject. In this regard, it Is intimated that the qualification pay to the Officials who have passed confirmation examination for direct recruitment as Junior Accountant has already been clarified vide this office letter No. 8(1)/PA-Admn.1/02-18 dated 08.04.01992 (Copy enclosed). Admissibility of Special Allowance /Qualification Pay for Accounts cadre may be decided as per the guideline issued by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide letter No. 11-1/2016/7th CPC/Part.II(B) dated 14.11.2019 and take necessary action accordingly.

Your’s Sincerely

Encl:-As above.

(Kunal Srivastava)
Assistant Director General (PA-Admn)
Ph. No.011-23044881

Copy to:-All the Heads of Postal Accounts Office for Information and necessary action.

qualification-pay-of-officials-passed-confirmation-examination-for-direct-recruitment-as-junior-accountantSource : Click here to view/download PDF

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